Tel: 903-218-2238

Straightforward Chiropractic in Tyler Texas
Evidence Based Chiropractic, Modern Acupuncture, Manual Therapies & Rehab
About Dr. Malone

"I graduated with honors from Texas Chiropractic College in December of 2015. Since graduating I have had the pleasure of seeing about 1000 new patients every year. In 2015, before graduation, I started working full time in Longview with my father-in-law Dr Randall Northcutt as a preceptor. Dr Northcutt gave me unparalleled experience in patient care, chiropractic treatment, and acupuncture. I continued to treat patients in Longview until 2018.
Before graduating I had began putting plans in place to establish Normal Chiropractic. The name 'Normal' is actually an homage to both clinics. I began treating patients at Normal Chiropractic in July of 2016. For the remainder of 2016 and all of 2017 I worked 7 days a week in Longview and in Tyler to grow as a chiropractor and develop the thousands of doctor patient relationships I have today.
I don't think anybody would accuse me of being an average chiropractor. I put a great deal of effort into every patient who chooses my care and I am dedicated to bringing the people of Tyler the very best chiropractic can offer."
~ Dr Malone